・Iron audio: Allows user to hear discriminated iron targets and to alter the mid-tone signal range
・Digital target ID: 0 to 99 scale offers target information
・Higher frequency (10 kHz) provides better sensitivity on low and medium-conductivity targets (i.e. gold, lead)
・Adjustable frequency to help eliminate interference
・Includes pulse-width modulation audio: Sharper, more responsive audio
説明: The treasure hunter's dream materializes with this stuffed bundle of metal detecting necessities. Manufactured with high end hardware, the Garrett ACE 400 features five search modes, eight depth/sensitivity adjustments, electronic pinpointing, new camlocks, iron audio output with adjustable extra high frequency (10 kHz) and much more. Jewelry/coin/cache/relic hunting just got a lot more convenient Be it rain or shine, the fortified waterproof coil is ideal for treasure hunting on all terrain types and in any (people safe) weather condition. The king of ACEs, the ACE 400 includes advanced features like Iron Audio, Digital Target ID, and Frequency Adjust to help you dig more treasure and less trash.
カテゴリー: 金属探知機
メーカー: Garrett
ブランド: Garrett
高さ: 54.6 センチ
幅: 36.0 センチ
奥行: 14.8 センチ
重量: 3.5 Kg
残り 1 点 44080.00円
(70 ポイント還元!)
翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く
お届け日: 発送日目安は1~2日後 (明日12:00のご注文まで)
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11460.00 円
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122320.00 円
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30200.00 円
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8550.00 円
■igus エナジーチェーン ケーブル保護管 95リンク 3400.125.075.095L(1923371)[法人・事業所限定][外直送元]
51480.00 円
エスコ EA998FR-171 直送 代引不可 墜落制止用器具 胴ベルト/伸縮式2丁掛け EA998FR171
9960.00 円
■ヤマワ ハンドタップ HT P5 M48X5 5P[店頭受取不可]
30250.00 円
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